Erectile Dysfunction

by Chief
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imagesErectile Dysfunction and Male Enhancement are the subjects of many tv commercials and products these days.  It seems from all the attention these two get that they are growing problems.  Over time, problems with sexual performance can happen for a number of reasons.  Many times the reasons are temporary and pass as conditions change.  As the media coverage of the subject grows, it appears that the nature of the problem is becoming more permanent for men of all ages.  The question of what causes ED and what can be done about it is the point of this log and will be covered in following posts.

The medical community currently handles the problem by declaring one has the problem, then prescribes a drug that will relieve the symptoms.  This approach leaves out the search for the causes of the problem, whether it is permanent, and if there is a way to return physical functions to normal.  There are some positive answers and solutions to go along with them.  More on those to come.  The solutions will include ways to avoid the side effects  and the complications caused by the use of ED drugs, and will give ways to get harder erections, naturally.



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